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Lord, What is Your Perspective

by Randy Turner on April 02, 2020

Lord, what is YOUR perspective?

As we’ve journeyed through the last few weeks as a church, community, nation and a world, this word keeps coming to me: PERSPECTIVE.

It’s defined as a particular attitude toward or way of regarding something; a point of view.

As you and I look at ALL that’s going on around us, it’s too easy to look at the happenings of the world in light of how it affects us.  After all, we need to honor and walk in wisdom in this new season of…making sure I and my family are safe...keeping the 6’ distance at the market or meetings…ZOOM meetings…and lack of hugs and handshakes.

But I keep asking myself, “Lord what is YOUR perspective?”

We’re called to walk under authority and we certainly need and want to do that.  However, as we had our “drive-thru prayer” last week, I was reminded that people are in a place of tremendous struggle, even if we’re not.

  • Loneliness and isolation are very much a part of many lives in this season.
  • Worry for the future: What does tomorrow hold? Will I have my job?  Can my job actually be done from home?
  • Parents under stress of kids at home, while also homeschooling, find themselves with much less patience than they thought they had.
  • The economy…enough said. My wife said to me last week, “I hope you weren’t planning on retiring at 62.”  I haven’t even looked at the hit my retirement took.  Why look?  I can’t change that.

All of these questions and many more have been part of my daily petitions and prayer life before the Lord.

In all of it, I have to keep asking Him, “Lord, what is YOUR perspective?” 

You see, in the natural, the earthly site of all that’s happening, it would be very easy for me to start thinking of how this affects only my family, not only the inconveniences, but also the blessings.  Yes, there are blessings for the Believer…more time with kiddos and grandkids (if that’s under 10!), walks in the neighborhood, life has slowed down, more time in the Word, and more time in prayer.

But then I stop and I find myself asking, “Lord, what is YOUR perspective?”  

Once again, I’m reminded that everyone around me isn’t at peace.  Their comfort hasn’t been found in Him because they don’t know our Jesus.  They don’t know Him as Provider.  They don’t know Him as Healer. They don’t know Him as Comforter.  They don’t know Him…at all.

Suddenly my perspective changes and I realize that God wants to and can use this for the Body of Christ to be awakened, not only to who He is, but to the awareness that those around me (my neighbors, those at the grocery store, those at Lowe’s or Home Depot buying flowers for spring) are the ones who may not know Him as I do. 

The child at home, who looked forward to school, not because he or she necessarily liked algebra and social studies, but because school was their refuge.  Now they’re stuck at home in the tension, the struggle of their parents’ worries over tomorrow.

Please hear my heart…I’m not gloom and doom.  I know Jesus!  God has this, but I earnestly believe He’s calling us to ask Him for his perspective.  What is His heart for the one standing 6’ in front of me at the grocery store?  What is the struggle that my neighbor is going through that I may not even be aware of?  What about the one who was already struggling with loneliness and isolation and this has only heightened his struggle? 

In this season, certainly there are joys and blessings, but there are those with sorrow and fear.  We are not to be overwhelmed for our own circumstances or for those around us.  I believe we are called to cry out to Him, “Lord what is YOUR perspective?”  Then we are to pray and believe for us, our families, our community and our nation, “My help comes from the LORD, who made heaven and earth.” Psalm 121:2

I want His perspective for those around me.  How is this current situation affecting them?  What is His heart towards those who don’t know or understand His promises?  And then Lord, after you give me your perspective, help me to be one who will stand in the gap in prayer and action for those you love.  I’m reminded of Mark 2:17 “Those who are well have no need of a physician, but those who are sick.  I came not to call the righteous, but sinners.”

We, as Believers, can and should have a different perspective for the lonely…the needy…the lost.  You see, our God is a God of hope, healing and comfort.  He longs to meet people in this place and reveal His kindness and goodness.  As we become aware of His perspective, I believe our prayers can and will change for those around us.  Our awareness of what He wants to do, through us, will allow us to be a blessing in this season…and people will come to know Him!!

Today’s challenge:

  • Give thanks for the blessings you find in this season.
  • Allow Holy Spirit to give you His perspective and awareness of those around you that may not be walking and living in those same blessings.
  • Allow the Lord to position your heart to be moved to compassion, intercession, and to love others as He would.


Tags: perspective


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