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The Lord Who Sanctifies

Series: The Way of the Cross

David McQueenMarch 23, 2025Weekend Services

Passage: John 19:16-17

Death is the way to life (John 19:16-17; Luke 9:23; John 12:24). It is the way to abundance, the way to living out our purpose and being fruitful. We are called to be living sacrifices, to die in some way while we are still physically alive and breathing. The command to God’s people in the Old Testament was to consecrate themselves, to be holy (Leviticus 20:7-8). We are to be holy because God is holy in His character and nature. In fact, holiness is the summary word of God’s reality. The process and journey of becoming holy like God is called sanctification, and it is a work of God in our lives. He is Yahweh M’Kaddesh – the LORD who sanctifies you. We are to die to anything God says is sin in thought or action, and to say yes to anything He says is holy. We are to take up our cross and die daily, with the help of healthy, Biblical community, so that we can become increasingly more like Him.

Follow Along with the Message

The Way of the Cross

The Lord Who Sanctifies 

Text: John 19:16-17; Lk. 9:23; Lev. 20:7-8

Death is the way to life. 

We are called to be , to die in some way, while our physical person is yet breathing. (Jn. 12:24; Rm. 12:1)

Yahweh  - I AM the one who sanctifies you. 

In response to nonbiblical, man-made rules that focused on  in our lives, many times we have abandoned the idea of being sanctified. 

We cannot have  without sanctification. 

Sanctification is tied to the single word used most often to describe God. . (Rev. 4:8)

Sanctified is the journey to becoming more and more  in how we think, act and even feel. 

Death is the way to , specifically death to that which makes us unlike God. . (Rm. 6:11)

Anything God says is  in thought or deed - I don't want anything to do with that. I seek to die to that so that it won't bring death to me. 

And anything He says is  - anything like Him - I want that and seek to say yes to that because it brings life. 

If Jesus couldn't carry His cross , who are we to think we can? (Mt. 27:32)