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Sunday 9:00 AM

Sunday 10:45 AM

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Abilene, TX 79606




My Daddy Talks to Me!

by DeAnna Fields on May 01, 2020

My Daddy Talks to Me!

I had a great Daddy!  I loved talking with him, and miss those conversations to this day.  Daddy was a great communicator and could always get my attention whether it was talking over the phone, preaching in the pulpit, teaching a class, in a special note, or one of his various distinct whistles calling me home for dinner.  When Daddy wanted to get my attention, he knew how to call me specifically. 

In the same manner, my Heavenly Daddy knows how to communicate with me as well.  I appreciate Him so much because in His desire to connect with me, He uses various approaches.  What an incredible thought - that the Creator of the universe takes the time to speak to me.  Mind blown!

We know primarily that God speaks to us through His Word, but He also speaks through  prayer, dreams and visions, through nature and animals (remember that talking donkey in Numbers 22), through promptings of His Holy Spirit, and even confirmations from other people.  Jeremiah 33:3 states, “Call to me and I will answer you, and will tell you great and hidden things that you have not known.”  I LOVE that He’s so creative in His attempts to reach us and get our attention.  It truly can be profound.  

One of those life-changing profound moments happened to me back in 2004.  Beltway started planning the first of MANY mission trips that would go into the nations.  Several of my friends were planning to travel to Ireland and Israel, and were super excited about their trips.  At lunch we chatted about those countries, fundraising, who would take care of their kids while they were gone and all things “missional.”  Later that evening, I was telling my husband Doug about our conversation, and he asked, “Well are you planning on going on a mission trip?”  Immediately I replied, “Oh no, I don’t feel called to that…but I haven’t really prayed about it.”  As soon as those words left my mouth, I knew what I needed to do. I had felt a prompting from the Holy Spirit to press in and ask the Lord about His plans.

Later that week, I grabbed my Bible and headed to the prayer room.  I felt pretty good about myself because after all, I was being obedient to ask the Lord what His thoughts were about me going overseas, but I still didn’t feel called to go.  So, you can imagine how that conversation might have started.  “Well Lord, I guess I’ll pray about this, and if you want me to go (and I really don’t think You do) please be specific.  I mean Ireland is pretty, that might be nice, but I’m not so sure about Israel - that sounds kind of scary to me.  We really don’t have the money to do this, but if you want me to go, just be specific.”  AND, HE WAS!  I opened my Bible and began to read (I’m not kidding) in Matthew 10:5-6 “Do not go in the way of the gentiles, but rather go to the lost sheep of the house of Israel.”  Oh WOW, really God?  I shut my Bible and ran out the door because I was slightly freaking out. 

Just so you know, I’m in a habit of regular Bible study, whether that’s with a reading plan or in curriculum of some kind.  God speaks to me regularly through His Word, so I don’t haphazardly flip through the Word looking for answers to my questions.  However, I have reconciled in my heart the fact that God can speak to me however He chooses, and He definitely got my attention this time. 

I’d like to tell you that I immediately obeyed, and went and signed up for the trip, but sadly that’s not what happened.  The amazing thing is that God met me right there (right in the middle of ALL my internal wrestling), and continued to patiently speak to me through other people.  The next week I called my mom and asked her to pray for clarity in some decisions I needed to make. I was not specific at all, and told her nothing about the trip. The following Sunday, she called to tell me that her entire Bible study class had prayed for me, and one of the women excitedly said, “Maybe the Lord has called her to visit the Holy Land for a special trip!” I could NOT believe this!

So back to the prayer room I went.  This time a nervous wreck, because I KNEW God had spoken to me.  I spent some time in worship, then in prayer, with me mostly telling God why I shouldn’t or couldn’t go (it’s too expensive, I hate to fly, I can’t leave my littles for two weeks, etc.). At this point, laying prostrate on the floor, I had listed every fear or excuse I could think of, and I reached for my Bible.  I opened it up and the first thing I saw was in Luke 1:13 which basically says “but the angel said to him, ‘Do not be afraid, Zechariah, for your prayer has been heard...”’

Jesus was clear in John 10:27 when He said “My sheep hear my voice, and I know them, and they follow me.”  I was undone, and knew it was time to talk to Doug.  Even stranger, when I told him I needed to talk, he said “You’re going to talk to me about your calling to go to Israel.”  I was shocked because I hadn’t said a thing to him about the trip since our first conversation we’d had about four weeks prior.  God had been speaking to him too!  After some time in prayer, we both knew I was going to Israel.  I left his office and went directly to Pastor David’s office and signed up!

Long story short: the trip was amazing; it changed my heart and view toward the nations; I overcame some unfounded fears, and we then released our children to experience short term missions.  Since that time, all combined, my family has been part of 17 short-term international mission trips.  I can’t imagine how different my life might be if we hadn’t listened to God’s voice, and then walked in obedience.

  • Are you in a season of questioning and need some answers?
  • Are you desperate to hear His voice?
  • Are you willing to be obedient when you Hear Him?

The Lord promises in several places in His Word that if we are faithful to seek Him with all our heart, we will find Him (Deuteronomy 4:29; Proverbs 8:17; Jeremiah 29:13; Matthew 7:7; Luke 11:9).

I want to encourage you to take time to seek Abba Daddy today!  Take a deep breath, relax, and spend some time in worship.  Listen (and watch) and wait for His answers.  He desires to connect with you!

Tags: prayer, speak, obedience


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